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Best Dental Clinic in Kondapur

Toothache treatment - FMS DENTAL HOSPITAL - Punjagutta

Are you suffering from toothache? Among all the health aliments, toothache is the most intolerable and needs immediate attention by the dentist. Pain originating in and around the tooth and jaw region is referred to as toothache. Inflammation of the pulp tissue or trauma or peri-apical infections result in toothache. Dental caries is the most common cause of tooth pain.


FMS Dental Hospital is one the best dental clinic inPanjagutta for toothache treatment. Some of the other causes of toothache include cracked tooth, impacted tooth, dental abscess, bruxism, lose or broken filling etc. Poor oral hygiene results in gum disease. Gum diseases often result in mild pain but sometimes they may cause severe toothache.

Best Dental clinic in Pujagutta


Senior dentists at FMS Dental are specialized in providing accurate diagnosis for your toothache. Once the causative factor for toothache is diagnosed, necessary treatment can be performed to eliminate tooth pain. Various treatment options to treat toothache are Root Canal Treatment (RCT), dental restorations, pit & fissure sealants and dental crowns.


These treatments can relieve you from toothache and can restore your tooth. Book an appointment @https://www.fmsdental.com/appointment-booking/to meet our dentists.

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