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Best Dental Clinic in Kondapur

 GUM disease treatment

Healthy Gums appear light pink in color and are sharply defined. Infection of gum tissue is the initial stage of gum disease during which gums become red, swollen and bleed easily. Poor oral hygiene results in gum disease. Most common symptoms of gum disease include bleeding gums, swollen gums, gum recession and bad breath or halitosis. Gum diseases often result in mild pain but sometimes they may also cause severe toothache.

FMS Dental Hospital is one of the best dental clinic in Kondapur, Hyderabad for gum disease treatment. The main cause of gum disease is bacterial plaque that is a sticky, colorless film that constantly forms on the teeth. If plaque is not removed on a daily basis it can turn into a hard substance called calculus or tartar. The bacteria in plaque produces toxins that can destroy the supporting tissues and bone around the teeth. Gum disease as it progresses, the gums around the teeth become loose and separates from the teeth resulting in deep areas called pockets. As these pockets deepen, more gum tissue and bone are destroyed and the teeth eventually become loose. If gum disease is not treated, the loose teeth may need to be removed. It is therefore important that gum diseases are identified and treated early.
one of the Best Dental Clinic in Kondapur Talk to the Doctor at 08886643230

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